Monday, June 13, 2005

I can't think of a witty title :(

Okay, if I recall correctly, when I finished writing yesterday, Seth had just called to invite us to a BBQ, AJ was taking a nap, and Dad wasn't home yet. So I'll start there, without an intro, because, as the title implies, my wonderfully witty mind isn't working properly right now.

So anyway, after blogging yesterday, I quit Internet Explorer and stood up. Then I played F-Zero for a while, while waiting for Dad to come home so I could ask if we could go to the BBQ. Then I started wandering aimlessly and being bored. Then, I was pouring myself a drink and saying to myself, "I really hope he [Dad] comes home soon, because it's [the BBQ] in less than an hour." As I said this to myself, Dad walked in the door, and I laughed to myself. Then, after going through the formalities ("hey" "hey" "how was it?" "good" "cool"), I told him that we had been invited to the Bar-be-que (is that spelled right? it doesn't look right to me). He said that he probably wasn't going, but that if AJ wanted to I could go with him. About a minute later, right on cue, AJ came downstairs. I asked him if he was going, he said "I was thinking about it, but I slept a lot longer than I planned." Basically, at the end of it, he said he was going out on errands anyway, so he'd drop me off and then come by himself later. And that's just what he did.

There were a LOT of people there. Most of them I didn't know, but Seth was obviously there, and Preston and Jordan and Indy were all there, too. Obviously, I was hanging out with them the whole time. Also, Seth's sister's boyfriend's brother was there and he hung out with us. His name was Joseph, but for some reason everyone calls him Goose. When asked why, he replied, "well, there's a lot of reasons . . . . like 'honk.'"

As one would expect, we spent pretty much the whole day on the trampoline. So my legs are a little sore today from jumping like that. And, with much prompting, I tried my first flip. The experience can be summed up in three words: "Crash and bu-hurn!" only more literally this time, because my face crashed into the trampoline, and I got trampoline burn on my elbow. It was pretty pathetic, really. I was trying to flip over but I stopped, so I didn't really know what to do, so I just kind of threw myself forwards (I don't think too well in mid-air) and it was like a dive rather than a flip. Everyone laughed and someone actually said, "that's pathetic." I think it was Seth, I don't remember. It was funny, though.

And then this other guy (he was like 19 so he didn't hang out with us for too long, but he was there for a little while) tried to do a backflip, and he succeeded, but his feet hit the net as he was coming down and ripped it off the pole, so Seth had to grab the duct tape to try to fix it. It didn't work, for once, so he used a nail as a hook, then went around and fixed all the poles and stuff. So we were just sitting there listening to Seth complaining about the poles being loose and talking about various things.

Finally, he finished and we began to jump again. Then later, the official festivities started. The whole thing was a retirement party for Seth's dad and a graduation party for his sister. Someone else was retiring, too, but I didn't know her. So we had a toast and cake and such. Then they started taking pictures, and they wanted one of a bunch of the younger people, and they told us to make it the most random thing possible, so Jeff suggested a human pyramid. Which we did. Me, AJ, Jeff, and another guy (I don't remember who it was) were on the bottom, then a bunch of girls were on top of us, then Preston and Jordan were at the top. They took three pictures and really caused me pain, as they waited a while between each picture and the person on top of me was on their knee (like the pointy part), which was right in the middle of my back.

Then me and Indy had a Jedi battle with empty soda bottles, then we went and jumped on the trampoline some more. Then it got dark, so we went into Seth's room and broke out the gamecube. Jordan had been telling me how his Link was better than my Marth in SSBM, so we had a match to determine who was better. I died once, he died 4 times. And my death almost didn't count because there was like one second left when he finally knocked me off. Then we let other people play. We had five people, and the game is only compatible with 4, so whoever came in fourth had to sit out the next round. It was awesome, I played the whole time, and only twice I came in second or third. I won every other match. It was so much fun.

Then everyone but me, AJ, Jeff, Courtney, and some girl I didn't know left. So me and Seth were the only ones who remained at the gamecube, so we decided to jump on the trampoline with flashlights instead. So we did, then we came in and were about to play the gamecube again when it was decided that it was time to leave. So we all left (except for Seth and his family, since they lived there). Then we got home, and I went to bed.

Then I got up and was bummed because school was happening. But it turned out to be okay, because this is like the lightest week I've had all year, so I was done by like 11, even doing more than I was assigned to today. So that part was cool. Then I got my email, read for a while, ate lunch, played Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for a while, and now here I am.

As a note to all regarding my aforementioned story, I've decided what I'm going to do. I'd like to post it in segments, but for several reasons I'm not going to do that. The reasons being that it would only be four days at a page a day, and it's better if you read it all at once anyway. But, I have come up with a solution. I joined xanga a while ago so I could comment on my friend's xanga, but I never put anything on mine except a link to here. So, I'll put a link to there on the sidebar, and I'll post the story there. That way it can all be there at once, and it won't clutter up or be interrupted by regular blog entries. So that's what's going to happen with that. Probably later today or tomorrow I'll put it there, I want to read over the story first and possibly revise it.

Anyway, on to comments:

First off, to all who have commented in the past: Well, excluding AJ, this doesn't really pertain to him. And also excluding Beth and Lucas and Mrs. Perry. But anyway, most of you are AJ's friends, and I met you because of your friendship with him. In my last post, I said something like that, but it came out the wrong way . . . I consider you all to be friends, I just meant that I met you through AJ and I haven't really hung out with most of you a whole lot. When I referred to "my friends," I meant the people who live around here who I do hang out with and who are around my age. So . . . yeah. I didn't want you all to feel like I don't consider you all my friends, so I just wanted to clarify that.

Rae: Really? What's it like there? The other world, I mean.

AJ: *points to end of post*

Rae again: Yeah . . . I'll try. But no promises.

Cormack: Thanks :) *then points to the whole thing meant for all of you*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned you were doing schoolwork this morning (Monday). Although doing schoolwork is a noble calling, some of us (like my daughter) were wondering at dance where you were this morning. She adds, "Ya jerk!" (I do not say this. She does.)

Just wondering,
Dr. C

5:56 PM  

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