Friday, June 03, 2005

As promised, an account of "The Event"

Yes. Here it is. All of your waiting in susupense has finally paid off. And now I get to let you all down with what it was . . . WE WENT TO SEE STAR WARS EPISODE III AGAIN!!! Okay, now that you're probably all going "that was it?! that was what we were waiting for?!" I should probably mention, if you don't already know, that I am positively OBSESSED with Star Wars. I have read many of the books (several courtesy of Stephen, thank you again, I promise you'll get them back one day), I have two reference books, and have soaked up as much extended universe info as I could. So that's why I was so excited. "We" I AJ, me, and Dad. Although I gave a slight review the first time I saw it, I shall give a longer, more complete one now: (not a word, Zach, not a word, you still have to write me back >:-O)

A friend of mine told me that it was better the second time. He was right. Although the first time I saw it I ranked it with the original trilogy, I now rank it above Return of the Jedi, on level with Empire Strikes Back, and slightly lower than the original (yes, AJ, Empire is now higher than Jedi for me).

The primary reason for this high ranking of it is twofold: a) It's just a fun movie to watch and b) it's more story-driven than the others, and the story is good enough to drive it. The story is basically . . . well, I'm sure you all know, and if you don't I won't spoil it for you. But it's a really good, if somewhat dark, story.

As with Episodes I and II, the SFX are amazing. In fact, the Special Effects here are so much better than I and II that I really don't know why I compared it to them. In the very first scene, which is a space battle, the camera is following the starfighters piloted by Anakin and Obi-wan, and it felt to me almost like Star Tours in that it felt like I was actually in a ship and following them. Although it's been a while since I've been on Star Tours, maybe AJ can give me some feedback there, or any of you others. But since AJ went to disneyland on Wednesday and saw the movie yesterday, both are fresh in his mind, whereas for the rest of you, seeing the movie (and going to disneyland for some of you) are rather distant memories, I mean like 2 weeks or so. But I'm going to try to start making sense again. Anyway, I felt like I was actually in a moving starship, following them. In addition to the awesome special effects, there was also some very impressive lightsaber fighting, the likes of which have never been seen before in a Star Wars movie. In Episode IV, when Obi-wan and Vader are fighting, it can barely even be classified as sword-fighting, but here it's amazing how well coreographed the fights are, and how fast with the lightsabers the actors are.

Speaking of actors, I was somewhat impressed with the acting in it as well. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, because Episodes I and II had terrible acting (except for Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, they're always awesome). But I was very impressed, especially with Hayden Christenson. Although I have been told by several sources that he was bad in III as well as II, I don't believe them. I really liked him in III. Natalie still wasn't too good, but she was bearable, better than Episode II for her as well.

And now, for some reason, my reviewing mind has completely shut down. I can't think of what I was going to say, so the review is over, I guess. Big thumbs up from me, although my opinion is biased.

*WARNING: IF YOUR NAME IS LUCAS OR ZACH, THE FOLLOWING MAY SURPRISE AND DISMAY YOU* When we came out, and we were sitting in the car going home, Dad said (his exact words [I think], I think them fitting to close my review), "Except possibly for the original, that was far and away the best of the Star Wars movies." As previously stated, I rate it equal with Empire, but on the whole I agree that it's definitely WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Episodes I and II, and I liked them somewhat (although I acknowledge that they were pretty bad in a lot of ways).

So there you have it. The Event.

Okay, so that's basically all I have to write about, but our church is having a game night tonight so I'll write about that tomorrow. Oh, whoops. There goes the suspense. Oh, well.

On to comments:

Stephen: Yes, I love Zahn. The Thrawn Trilogy is my favorite series (or individual, for that matter) of Star Wars books. At least that I've read. I thought Stackpole was good, I read the New Republic one (I'm ashamed to say that I haven't reached the Empire one yet, for some reason my reading of those books is really slow). I never thought about that, Wedge being Luke's only surviving wingman and the only minor character in all the movies . . . huh. He was in III, too, I thought that was funny . . . I don't really know why, he just looked so funny to me . . . maybe I'm just weird. Well yeah, that's a good point. I remember wondering why it was so scantily defended, but I guess I just dismissed it . . . it bugged me more that Daala kept dying but he always found a way to bring her back.

Rae: Uh . . . ya. Didn't quite follow that, but I think I get what you were saying. And yes, I know that they cancelled it, I actually meant Thursday, he was out car-searching . . . but, alas, he didn't come back in time. Oh, well. I'll bring it up to him today, and torture HIM. I actually don't mind, it's him that gets tortured by it. Although actually it would be really funny if I just let him come to this blog and see it here, and then wonder why I didn't tell him in person . . . I think he's looking at blogs now, so I'll just let him do that . . . haha, this'll be fun . . .


Blogger Idhrendur said...

Really, I'm almost done with Anderson bashing...but let's not forget the obsession with superweapons (particularly new versions of the Death Star).

1:10 AM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

well... i was going to reply to this, but you should read the myspace comment instead. i hold true to it.

12:10 AM  

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