Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The long-awaited Next Post

Ladies and Gentleman, I have returned. Well, okay, not like I was actually gone. But hey. I'm posting again. Fear not! The blog is making a return.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, let me tell you why I haven't posted in three days. It's for the same reason I'm usually unable to keep a journal going: whenever I'm not in a show (at LifeHouse), my life kind of slows down and not a whole lot happens that's worth writing about. So unless you want a play-by-play of my various less important activities (such as playing video games, reading, watching TV, being online at other websites, AIM conversations, eating, sleeping, etc.), you'd better just hang on for a week or so until Oliver auditions, and then things will pick up again. I'll still be posting, they'll just be more pointless than before.

So I left off on Sunday, after our return from church. Not a whole lot of a cliffhanger, unfortunately. Basically, I spent the rest of Sunday doing two things: messing around with various pointless activities (see previous paragraph for examples) and having random times where I would just want to scream "YES!!!!!!" Why did I want to scream that? Because, on the way home from church, Mom disclosed some very good news: "You can have off tomorrow, but—" Of course, being me, I didn't hear anything after "you can have off," so I just started rejoicing. Then, I decided to listen, and she was saying that I had to do a week's worth of school in 4 days if I took off. I chose to take off, of course. (For those of you who have forgotten, it was Memorial Day, so that's why I was allowed to have off.) And what's REALLY cool is that although I have to do school in 4 days, it's a really light week so I'm done by lunchtime pretty much every day anyway.

There was one other event that happened on Sunday, however (actually, it happened on Saturday and Sunday, but I chose not to mention it before). I was invited to go to Rachel's house for a Memorial day barbeque. I accepted the invitation, of course. The reason I didn't mention it before was I decided just to wait until it was over to talk about it.

So things were looking good. As is my traditional activity when I have no reason to get up in the morning, I stayed up late on Sunday night. I watched Diagnosis Murder (a very good show, I highly recommend it, it's on PAX every Sunday and Thursday night at 10:00), then messed around and read for a while (I think . . . I don't really remember). I was pretty tired, though (the play [see below for details] was long, so I didn't get to bed until late Saturday, and I had to get up early on Sunday, so there ya go), so I went to bed around midnight instead of two or three AM.

Which brings us to Monday. I slept in until 10:30 or so, then got up and did my traditional messing around for a while. Then, at 12:27 (ish) I got The Call. What was The Call? It was Rachel, calling to say she was sick, so the barbeque had been cancelled. Blasted sickness-prone people . . . especially when they have a pool at the beginning of summer, when it's starting to get hot . . . grrrrrrr. Anyway, she said we'll probably have it some weekend just because.

So not a whole lot happened for the rest of Monday . . . oh, wait, right. In addition to The Call, my family/house also recieved The Visit. The world's most famous (and only) Frock Star came home. I believe some of you folks have called him that, too . . . I promise I didn't steal it from you, I came up with it myself and he said "Yeah, that's what Stephen said, too." So anyway, he had been at a retreat of some sort up in the mountains, playing on the praise band with Jeff. So he came home and was extremely sunburned and tired, so he took a nap for three hours before dinner.

So that pretty much brings us to Tuesday. There was school again, so I was kinda bummed until I realized it was such a light week. Then I was exultant. But really nothing happened on Tuesday either, which brings us to today, and nothing much has happened yet today. AJ went to Disneyland with Jessica, Eleanor, Rae and Jason, I think . . . sorry if I got the group wrong, I wasn't really listening. I don't even know who Jason is, actually . . . I'll have to ask AJ sometime. So anyway, I saw Jessica this morning when she came to pick up AJ, and she told me she had seen my blog and commented, so I had to check it. And here I am, bowing to your request like a good little slave boy (j/k :P).

I should have another post for you by Friday at least, because another event is happening tomorrow . . .

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, my world famous Comment Response Section:

Rae/Eleanor: Eleanor: Sorry . . . uh . . . La voiture es rouge et neuve. There. I hope I spelled everything right . . . so yeah. Hopefully that counts as pretending. Rae: Uhh . . . right. Still not quite sure what you're talking about, although I think (think) I get it. If there is anything to get. If not . . . well, I'll just shut up now and stop making myself look like the idiot I am. No! Wait! I'm awesome!

Stephen1: Thank you! Like I said, it's a novelty. Although, as y'all can probably tell, the novelty is starting to wear off, so there probably won't be as much here . . . just when stuff happens, and random pointless posts. Because random pointlessness is awesome, too!

Jessica1: Hello yourself! Thanks for coming by . . . and yes, I wrote a lot my first several days here . . .

Jessica2: Thank you!

Rae1: I know, crazy, huh? My real answer to this comment is actually in the post . . . if you search hard enough, you might find it.

AJ: Nice catch. You must have longer arms than I thought . . . wait, Rae, where do you live? Anyway, yeah, search the post for my answer to this, too. And hey! I didn't give any excuses! If I had, it wouldn't have been two days without a post! HA!

Stephen2: Here I stand, vindicated. (Wait . . . is that right? Never really used that word . . . ) Thanks for the books, by the way. I've already read the Jedi Academy Trilogy, though.

Rae2: Well, this was pretty much in response to another comment, so I won't bother responding. Or should I? Maybe I should just babble pointlessly until it looks like I gave a full response . . . I think that's what I'll do. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Carnations are several colors, actually . . . wait, roses are pink and white, too, aren't they?


Blogger Idhrendur said...

Roses are occasionally purple too. Thoug h Inever found them that way. Now it doesn't matter, cause the girl who claims them as her favorite flower is marrying someone else.

Hrm. I don't know whether to be pleased you've already read the trilogy or sympathetic. I'm decidedly NOT a fan of Kevin J. Anderson's. I nany case, read the first four of the X-Wing Series and then I, Jedi. It (almost) redeems that horrible horrible trilogy.

And you can take a hint from my blog. I don't ususally have anything worthwhile to say, but I usually talk about my day anyways. It's good times.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

i guess ill have some reading/research to do tonight... i gtg to work (so i dont have time to read your flipin long blog right now :P)

my responce to all the questions you asked: "uh, ya"

10:49 AM  

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