Thursday, June 09, 2005

Physical Activity

It's so rare, you know? I heard on the news a while ago that 2/3 of all American men are over-weight, and 1/3 of all American women are over-weight. It's because no one exercises anymore, they just go on the Atkins diet and get themselves killed of heart failure because they're eating so much fat.

Anyway, now that you're probably wondering if I'm sane right now, as I usually wouldn't talk about stuff like that, I actually do have a reason for the title. That being that I got it yesterday.

Normally I exercise before school (using a Tae-bo DVD), and yesterday I did as well, but I also got a little extra. Yesterday afternoon I had a weird urge to play basketball, possibly brought on by the game I played last Friday. So I dug up the basketball hoop and a ball (which took forever to pump up, it was like totally flat) and went to play. Then I remembered that I had to set up the basketball hoop rather than just find it. In the past, I always asked AJ or Dad to do it because I wasn't tall enough (or strong enough to move it, for that matter). But, as a) Dad was at work and AJ was, too, and b) I've grown taller and stronger in the few years since I last played, I chose to set it up myself. And I came up with a genius idea that saved me a lot of work. Rather than putting it at the top of the driveway and bungee-cording it to the flagpole thing, I put it on the sidewalk. That way I could play on the street, and I didn't have to climb up the pole and secure it. All I had to do was put a weight on the back so it wouldn't fall over (I used a trash can, it worked quite well).

So I was playing basketball for like two hours. It was really hot and I'm in worse shape than I thought, but it was still fun. CJ came over and we played 21 (I beat him 21-19 in the first game, and was winning 8-2 in the second game when he had to leave) for a while, then he left and I was left playing by myself again. Which I don't really mind.

So then I came in and was totally exhausted, so I washed my hands and face and changed shirts and collapsed on my bed, then realized that my gamecube was no longer next to my bed, so being collapsed there I had nothing to do. I wasn't sleepy, I just didn't want to move. So I forced myself to get up and come downstairs, and I went into the office and played the Gamecube for a while (yes, AJ, Paper Mario 2). Then it was time for dinner, so I ate. Then I was on the computer for a while, and then I went to bed. And slept.

And then, just as I'm falling asleep, I hear "WHAAAAW WHAAAW WHAAAW" and I look over and it's morning already. So I got up and went about my normal routine, and finished school pretty early today. And also I discovered that I only have two more weeks, so I was very happy, because I thought I had three. So the end is near . . . I can see the light . . . *HOOOONK!!!* TRAIN! RUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*ahem* On to comments:

Rae: Thank you. I think you totally misunderstood my question about the permit, but whatever. Maybe I'll just look it up on Google or something. Hey, wait a sec . . . what was that evil laugh for?

AJ: 1. You're only 5'11"?!! Wow . . . I thought you were at LEAST 6'0" . . . that means I'm only one inch shorter than you. Huh.
2. Yeah . . . . thanks for your sympathy. I'd be surprised if I didn't get in, although I WOULD be surprised if I get Dodger after that audition. But that's okay, I'll live. Maybe I'll get Noah Claypole and be able to beat up whoever plays Oliver . . . if that happens I hope it's someone I know. Beating up Jeremy would be fun . . .
3. Ask and ye shall receive: If you'll recall, Mitch was the music director for Pollyanna this time. He, being a very good and thorough music director, handed out sheet music for most of the songs so we could practice them because *snicker* Wayne sung his own songs wrong on the rehearsal tape last time, so the melody and timing was slightly different. So she had vocal sheet music and gave it to Tedd to play, which he did. It was funny, actually, he got it and hesitated for a second, and his face was like "Wow, I've never heard of this song before . . . " then he laughed and said "Oh, I was about to say, 'who wrote that?'"
4. Well hey, I do. They're certainly better than the ones Wayne wrote . . . although that isn't exactly high praise.
5. I see. Well, I'm happy you enjoyed it, doesn't sound like I'd enjoy it too much, cleaning and reorginizing. Ugh *shivers*.

AJ2: Yeah, I was thinking about how funny that was . . . the first time someone makes a big deal about getting the first comment, he doesn't.

Eleanor: Uhh . . . well, maybe that will make more sense to me with the answer to this question: how tall are you? Ah yes, your blog . . . I kept meaning to look at it but kept forgetting. I finally did, though. I shall attempt to become a more regular patron . . . if patron is an acceptable word . . . is it, Ms. Crawford? (wait, that is your last name, right?)

Cormack: lol :D


Blogger Idhrendur said...

I tend to go for rollerblading myself. I have 3 different routes I take, each a few miles long. The important thing is to wear shorts, so that if I fall, I only mess up my knees, not my knees AND a pair of pants. But that's me.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Okay, now I must...

HAHA! I had first (and second) comment!

10:04 PM  
Blogger Narisilme said...

Well, thank you, Mr. Harbison for gracing me with your presence. Indeed, I am 5'10" even though some doctors would have you believe otherwise. But, then, other reliable sources say that I'm 5'10" I am 5'10".

And I would say that I have 4th comment, but that would just be lamenessssssssssss itself.
-Ms. Crawford

8:20 PM  

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