Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Yet Another Post

This one will probably seem like the shortest post ever after that last one . . . and who knows, maybe it will be. I was somewhat disappointed that last post only got 6 comments . . . seems like the shorter posts actually get more for some reason. Maybe it's because when people read shorter ones they can remember what the heck I was talking about at the beginning :P

Anyways, after posting on Saturday, I just kind of wandered about like a zombie, then I went to bed. Some of AJ's friends were supposed to be coming on Saturday night and going to church with us on Sunday, but apparently there was a big to-do at . . . wait a sec, why am I telling you this? Pretty much everyone here (with the exception of Dr. C, David, and Megan, and Rachael if she's still around) already knows what happened, I think . . . anyway, it ended up that there weren't any friends of AJ's staying at our house or going to church with us.

So I set my alarm for 8 o'clock (first time I've ever said "sleep in til 8" in my life), then Dad woke me up to tell me that I didn't have to go if I didn't want to, because he knew I'd still be exhausted, which of course I was. So I chose to sleep.

When I did get up, I was still kind of tired but I wasn't sleeping, so I just decided to face the world. Not a whole lot happened, I just decided to take a day off from Math to let myself recover. So I basically just wasted the day away, which was LOTS of fun.

Then on Sunday night, me and Dad and AJ went to see Fantastic 4 at Krikorian.

Acting: pretty good, but not stupendous.
Story: Eh . . . okay
Superhero Powers: very awesome
Special Effects: Good

So you can see that where it really fell flat was a story. I felt like there was a lot of potential for it to be good, but it never quite got there. It was mainly about the romance between Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, and then the Thing's woes. And they didn't really have a whole lot of interesting things to do, either . . . we discover their powers in a few minutes, and then they're just a given. With Spiderman, there was a pretty long period of time where he was figuring out what his powers were and how to use them. With Batman Begins, there was a whole long scene about him creating all his gear and stuff, and he kept building on it throughout the whole movie.

But then again, perhaps it's unfair to compare this movie to Batman Begins. Because Batman Begins is in a whole different league of movies. F4 was okay, but nothing more . . . a fun movie to see, but not one that I'd like to see over and over.

And that was all punctuated by the heartless crowd . . . there was one scene where the Thing was trying to pick something up (I don't want to give anything away, although it doesn't come as a huge surprise), and this thing was very very important to him, and he couldn't pick it up because of his huge hands, and the people were laughing. Maybe it was supposed to be funny, I don't know, but I found it very sad.

So then we went to Denny's afterwards. I had some interesting thoughts there (despite what AJ will tell you). And AJ told us cool things about how NZA solves graffitti (sp?) problems.

then we came home, and Dad and I watched Diagnosis Murder, then we went to bed.

On Monday, I had to get up at 9 or so because of Dance, so I did, and had a rather funny experience . . . as you know, I hadn't been there in like a month because Mom kept saying I was free on Monday mornings. So I walk in the door and everyone says "Mark's here!!!!" in a surprised tone. And then Rachael's mom started chastising me for not being there, and then said "oh, sure, blame your Mom" when I said it was all her fault . . .

In any case, dance was fine, I discovered that I actually wasn't too far behind on the routine, and that they're pushing the recital back about a month, thank goodness. So we had our usual pointless discussions about bugs and what-not.

Then we came home, and I crashed for pretty much the rest of the day. Then came time for rehearsal, so Mom went to drop me off on her way to work. And we somehow managed to miss the street, so we went a few more and she suddenly said "Oh . . . I passed it." And we had a hearty laugh, and then turned around and came back and finally made it to LifeHouse. And I walked in, and Director Steve said "what are you doing here?" And apparently, at the rehearsal I had missed on Saturday, they had told everyone that all cast rehearsal was Tuesday and not Monday, and so I had missed that, and so I showed up and didn't need to be there. So I called my Dad to come pick me up, and he was out at the store . . . so I went back into the theater and was talking with Megan for a while . . . turns out she really hates freaky movies, and didn't know that War of the Worlds was a freaky movie . . . lol, hearing an account of what happened was quite enjoyable . . . almost makes me wish I was there.

So then I called Dad again and he was home, and so he came and picked me up, and we went home. Not a whole lot really happened after that . . . I finally got unstuck in ToS, but that was about it.

So then after much messing around I went to bed, and got up VERY late today, and wasted all the time from then til now, and soon I shall go do Math, if my stupid internet will come back on and let me post this and tell Megan that I have to go do Math . . . *sigh* while I'm waiting, I'll do comments:

Stephen: lol . . . I'll have to get my hands on some of those somehow. And NO, the beaver victory dance is special. As cool as the ewoks are, I have to side with Megan on this one. But we can't expect someone who wasn't in Lion Witch to understand, so you're okay.

And speaking of your evil side . . . Megan was looking for a good way to get back at someone, and she was wondering if I could ask you for ideas. If you're interested, I'll explain it, if not, fine, I'll just get someone else to help.

AJ: (and Megan) Okay, okay, gosh. You have NO IDEA how tired I was while I was writing that. You're actually probably lucky I was, too, or it would've been even longer.

Well I'm happy you found them funny . . . and actually, that wasn't the first time it's happened to me . . . and it's happened to you, too, so shut up.

Cormack: Cool! Another person found it funny!!

Eleanor: Uhh . . . should I stop saying y'all? Would that just be a better situation for all of us?

Stephen2: Uh . . . yeah.

Megan: As I said, I was exhausted. And ewoks are cool, contrary to what you most likely believe. But fear not, I do stick with you on this issue, the beaver victory dance is awesome. Although it really looks pretty dumb unless a few of you are doing it . . . no offense or anything, it's just . . . you could've done better. A faun victory dance, for example, would've been the ULTIMATE victory dance.


Blogger AJ Harbison said...

What interesting thoughts, pray tell, did you have at Denny's...?

And why the heck do you discuss BUGS and stuff at dance? Weirdo...


(yeah for first comment)

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ewoks, psh.

oh, and who would do a faun victory dance with you, huh? answer me THAT! ha! oh, and as the creator of the BVD, i think that it looks absoultely stunningly awesome as it is. *sticks tongue out* so there!

11:16 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Eh, the ultimate is Chris Kidd's "Maniacal Laugh Dance."

It's best when he runs on a stage in front of 1500 people (and with film being piped to an overflow room with who knows how many more) and does it...

10:12 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Oh yeah. I'd be more than willing to help think up ideas. It's hard to think of them for someone you don't know though...

Just email me. idhrendur@hotmail.com

10:14 PM  

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