Monday, July 11, 2005


I just don't know what to do . . . I couldn't sleep in today, and tomorrow I get to . . . but then I don't again until NEXT MONDAY!!!! And even then I'll have to get up at like 9 or so to go to Dance . . . so I won't have a FULL sleeping in until NEXT TUESDAY!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Yes, yes, I enjoy Summer Vacation. How ever did you know?

Aaaaaaaaanyway, I left off Thursday night, I think. So basically I should give an account of the weekend, I suppose.

On Friday, not much happened during the day. I messed around a lot, was online a lot, was playing ToS a lot. Then, all of a sudden, it came time to get the mail. So I did, and my player's guide for FE:SS FINALLY came. They said a week, but it was almost two . . . anyway, I've been playing that a lot since I got the player's guide because (obviously) I am no longer stuck.

So then came Friday night, the church game night. It wasn't as fun last time, because we didn't play Bunko and played something not as fun instead, and there were less people there, and most of the people around my age weren't. And to make matters worse there was this one guy who was Josh, Rebecca, and Christina's cousin, and he was a really good basketball player, so of course he was on the team that I wasn't on, so we lost every game by a LOT. Because no one there is really that good at basketball other than him.

So then we went inside and ate food, which was good because it was burritos made with Clay's homemade salsa, which is like the best salsa EVER. Then there was more basketball playing, then we celebrated Dad's birthday (which was a while ago, but they celebrate each months' birthdays), and then we began to play the main event.

The main even was a bunch of board-type games on tables, and we went around the room playing different games at different times, and at the end whoever had won the most games won. I did pretty well, but there were three or so people ahead of me. So I didn't get a prize :( Oh, well. Carol won, and she chose to share her prize (a bag of Almond Joys) with everyone, so I did get kind of a partial consolation prize. Or not. Whatever. I'm trying really hard not to think because I'm going to be doing more of it this week than is generally required in a whole Summer . . . *sigh*

So then we came home and AJ came home about two or three minutes later, and we were all sitting around talking for a while (Mom was asking him a lot of questions about work such as what his bosses are like, what he does exactly, the layout of the building, the kind of bed he sleeps on, the exact shade of the carpet in the main room . . . that kind of thing), then I played FE:SS for a while and then went to bed.

Saturday was pretty much a day of messing around and being on the computer, playing FE:SS, and reading (I'm finally getting to the Star Wars books Stephen gave me . . . my mom's making me read "literature" in between them :P). Then I remembered that I had math class on Monday (today), and that I had homework for it. So I did some of that. Then, before I knew it, it was bedtime already.

Then came church, which was okay. We didn't have a very interesting discussion in my group . . . it was informative, I guess, and made me think about one or two things I hadn't thought about before, but not as interesting as usual. Then afterwards we played some basketball and I chased Kelsey around because she seems to think I'm always trying to attack her, and I'd hate to disillusion her. If you're wondering about the situation, she's 5 or 6, so it's not like someone my age thinks I'm always trying to attack them . . . except Preston of course, but that's a whole other story.

So then we came home from church and we talked for a while, mostly about my school for the fall. I'm going to be sort of partially homeschooled next year and partially . . . I don't know what to call it. Something-schooled. I'm doing an online thing from Biola, which at the moment is where I desire to go to college. I'd explain more, but I really don't feel like it.

Then I was eating, and Mom went to bed (she was working), and Dad took a nap, and AJ watched movie trailers online (and discovered that the new King Kong is like LOTR 4 . . . Peter Jackson, Andy Serkis, Howard Shore, Fran Walsh, and someone else who's name I can't remember are all involved in the same way as they were with the LOTR movies). It appears that King Kong is now actually a King, and he rules over dead people and dinosaurs . . . didn't make a lot of sense to me.

After that there was more of the same on a typical day; reading, online-ing, video gaming, etc. And there was also a Math lesson. And I had a test to do, as well, but that got pushed back until later, as we shall see.

Before I knew it, it was time for the evening service at the River (which we usually don't go to, but Dad was preaching and it was "House Church night"). So I looked mournfully at my Math test waiting to be done, then kind of cheered, and we went to church. It was a good service, good music (Jeff has a unique ability . . . I've never seen anyone "rock out" playing piano before), good preaching (duh :P), and just an all-around good service.

After the service it was decided that we from the house church would go out to a late dinner together, at Cocos. Then the parents got talking at church (as expected), so me, Josh, Joel, their cousin Caden, and Julieanna (who almost doesn't count because she kept leaving and coming back for fear of death) went down into the basement. We had a bean bag war, which was quite fun. Joel would run around gloating about being so cool, and being the "mascot," however that applied to the situation. So while Joel was doing this, me and Josh and Caden decided we weren't going to take it from a 6-year-old. So we started chucking bean bags at him. It was awesome because since they were bean bags they didn't hurt him, so we could keep pelting him with them. Also, they were the big kind that are made for sitting on, so whenever he was running and we hit him with one it would knock him over and he'd kind of slide across the floor for a ways. Then all of a sudden Josh made an unprovoked attack on me, and so I tried (and failed) to defeat him in battle, and Caden just kind of hit whoever he felt like. So basically by the time my dad came down to tell us we were leaving, everyone was fighting for themselves, except Joel, who was still gloating about being the mascot.

Then we went out to dinner, and Julieanna wanted me to eat a garnish . . . so I lifted it up to the side of my mouth and chewed, and made it disappear slowly, and made noises by ripping it, so she thought I was actually eating it. She thought it was quite funny, so she made me eat it again when she saw it on the table a while later, and she made me eat all kinds of peels and rinds and stuff . . . and then Brian turned around and asked us how it was at the kids' table, and I told him what Julieanna was making me eat. And he said, "See what women can do to you, Mark?" and everyone laughed.

Then, alas, I had to go home and do my Algebra test. Then I went to bed.

Today I got up and went to Algebra class, which went by rather quickly because I was so tired that I actually almost did fall asleep a few times ("almost" being the key word). I was kind of out of it, but I did okay, so no real problem.

And there might not be another update here for a few days . . . I'm not sure. The thing that's making me get up early and think is a debate camp, which takes place in Upland, so I have to get up early and go down there every morning and debate all day, and have people tell me how to debate. I'm sure it'll be fun, other than having to get up early. Although it would've been MORE fun if Sarah had done it *glares at her and asks her family members to pass it on since she probably isn't reading this*.

So anyway, hopefully I'll get an update in at some point before Friday, but I'm not sure.

Now, to comments:

Rae: I'll just skip straight to the stuff I know how to answer: Oliver is fun, although it's kind of dark in parts. It's playing August 6th (I think) - September 4th, on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and one special Thursday performance. But I'm starting to sound like Wayne (which is NOT a good thing). Anyway, I probably can't get you hooked up with free tickets, but "the guy who wrote some songs," who is apparently "as involved with lifehouse as anyone," might be able to get you some . . . seeing as how he's so high up and everything . . . :P

Stephen: Kingdom Hearts is fun . . . I just wish I could play it without Rachel screaming "NO NO NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" every time I walk past an inconsequential (sp?) door that would lead to like 1 munny . . . it's scary.

And although I don't find opposition to Harry Potter quite as aumusing as you, I share your general . . . uh . . . thing. Totally lost my train of thought there. Hopefully you understand me.

Cormack: I agree. But it's also a book :P

Dr. C: Yes, we're using Saxon . . . and it isn't so much your getting upset at it as you telling someone who would get upset . . . like, say, for example, maybe, my mom. Or Steve. But then again, Steve would know if I did, since there are only four people in the class.

I thought I was spelling that word wrong . . . thank you. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, but now I know :)

Yes, we have a recital in a few weeks. Which made me rather upset that Mom forgot about it. But I can't exactly say "Yeah, my mom lied, I actually do have something on Monday." But thankfully I should be there next Monday, so I'll just have to learn the routine in like a day . . . yippee.

Eleanor: Yay! Welcome back! I missed your comments . . . and I'm somewhat curious: what does my voice sound like when you read it?

"cilla anne": uhh . . . thanks . . . who exactly are you? I have my suspicions, but the only help you gave me in your comment was that you like to bug me, which narrows it down to about forty million people. And about 39.99999 million of them would've left a comment like that . . . so any help would be appreciated.

Stephen again: Yeah . . . fun stuff. Especially when it's urgent, and it takes 5 minutes to figure out who it is you're trying to talk to, and then the urgency is wasted, and . . . well, you know, however you would end something like that. Like I said, I'm trying not to think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay,I'll give you another hint. but do you actually KNOW 40,000,000 people? sorry I'm kind of subject hopping, but that's normal for me. and the sympathy of my heart goes out to you in great multitudes that you won't be able to sleep in any more but it'll be NICE TO HAVE YOU AT DANCE CLASS FINALLY,HALF-JERK:). by the way, your xanga (aka your story) was pretty good--rather po-mo (postmodern if you aren't familier with my philosopher father's jargon) but very well written. and I WANTED you to talk about Latin (you prepared (parabas) me for the worst but Latin is the coolest language (lingua) in the world, second to Gaelic.) but you didn't so BONUM DIEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh--you STILL have never "gotten back to" me on whether the fact that Canada has free, wonderful, socialist healthcare has anything to do with the pristine quality of the air up there and (this is new) that Anne could therefore think up better Anneisms. and what's with all the "y'all"s? I thought that you were from Colorado, before that from Pennsylvania, NOT from Texas but perhaps I was misinformed (*gasp* it's been known to have happened before).

4:22 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

Eleanor?!?! wha... how... why... can it be possible that you are reading death star posts out loud without me????? ..::tear::..

right... this is marks... um.

carpet? noooo. cement. cold. hard. cement.

"Mr. Zakheim" (your brother saying it, would be the first time i heard someone who is considered a friend call him that) hah.

oh, and women can do MUCH worse.

bean bags eh? ill have to get me some of those. ..::mwa hahaha::..

see 'yal

12:51 AM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Women can defiately do much worse. And when you think their influence on you is over, things just keep popping up. Which is why I'm getting involved with swing dancing (and getting others involved too) half a year after Krisann and I broke up...or something.

Or I could blame it all on Eleanor. That's right! You're the one who invited me to Memories!

Gah. I feel like using a quote on myself... "Weak minded fool! [S]he's using a Jedi mind trick."

If you can't tell, I'm tired...

1:06 AM  
Blogger Narisilme said...

I don't know. What would you like it to sound like? I can do Russian, British, French. You could be a whole new person just by the power of my voice.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay i was going to go off on you for forgetting my comment but i accidentally put it on the rehearsal for a funeral post not the last one so read it!

3:56 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Eleanor, did I ever tell you of the terrible fun you can have in a drive-through? Order your food in one accent. Get it in a second. Or at any point you can, keep changing accents. It's best in a car very full of people.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

I'm leaving another comment just for the hack of it (and because another day has passed).

10:36 PM  

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