Thursday, June 23, 2005

Music of the Gamecube

Man, I am on a ROLL with cheesy stupid titles!!

Anyway, where did I leave off . . . Dance class I think. Well I don't THINK anything else really happened on Monday . . . well, school, but that's not really worth spending the time to describe . . .

So anyway, Tuesday had no major happenings, either, save one. I finally got to Hollywood video and got Tales of Symphonia. Which is a major part of the reason I haven't posted in the last few days. Because that game is very unbelievably awesome. If you have a gamecube and you haven't played it, shame shame shaaaaame. I'm ashamed that I didn't play it until this week.

So of course Sarah is totally freaking out. Because she is as obsessed with that game as I am with Star Wars (for those of you who don't know me too well, that's a LOT), and she said she doesn't know anyone else who's played it and liked it. So she's obsessing over it. And she says I have to tell her EVERYTHING . . . down to my emotions as I play it.

Which really isn't that annoying, because I can see why someone would be obsessed with it. Any game where you can punch the ground and make a giant bear's head devour an enemy is pretty cool. The only real problem with it is that there's a little bit of language in it, but there isn't a whole lot and it's not too bad.

So basically, the game is about the Chosen, who will awake the Goddess and regenerate the World. So you're this Kid who is the Chosen's Friend, and you have to Protect her from the Bad Guys. Which is Fun. Because you have two Ninja Swords, and you can do cool Flips and Tricks and Deadly Things with them.

So that's, of course, a very watered down version of the plot, and probably not the whole plot at that, but I haven't gotten too far. But if you have a gamecube, get it. Amazing graphics, good story, good gameplay. Best of all three worlds. Oh, and for those of you who are RPG lovers, it's an RPG.

I realize that probably none of you really care (except perhaps Stephen, who is in Hawaii anyway), but it's just so cool and has been taking up so much of my time that I have to mention it. And if Megan is still reading this, she'll have been rolling her eyes for about five paragraphs now.

Anyway, I've been playing that and being on the computer and doing school pretty much since I last posted. Well, I got a haircut. And this morning I had an Algebra Class (urgh), but I'd rather not speak on that.

And if you're wondering what the heck the title means, it's because the game is Tales of Symphonia. So sorry, I wasn't thinking too creatively at the time.

To comments:

Megan: Whoa . . . one of the people at Wholesome Theater actually cared enough to SHOW UP?! No way . . . anyways, I'm happy you did. And yes, I know I have five lines, but I didn't feel like wading through them all to change one little thing. Although it might've been worth it because of the scene . . . getting to throw stuff at you and Nick will be very very awesome.

Allergey Medicine rocks!!!

Stephen: Good point . . . and he confirmed it later. Interesting. I probably won't even be able to play with a d-pad anymore, it's been so long . . .

Cormack: Yeah, if anything really matters it's important to be decided.

And what is it with those blasted people?! It seems like every time I turn around someone is either telling me I should get a girlfriend or wondering why I don't have one, or assuming one of my friends is . . . and don't worry, AJ, it isn't just you. Nor is it just you, Megan. Although both of you are part of the group . . . but I can deal with it. If it was just you two, it'd be fine, it's just those OTHER people that really get on my nerves . . .

AJ: Yeah . . . did I ever tell you that Mom called Jessica your gf once? It was quite funny . . . both Dad and me immmediately jumped in to correct her, of course. And one thing you should keep in mind: if you hang out with girls, people automatically assume things. Which I'm sure you know. But anyway, yes, you should get a girlfriend. Then maybe you'd stop pestering ME about it :P


Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

you should send your congrats to your big bro... he just made lunch for himself... and it wasnt easymac! ..::heh::..

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just going to be captain obvious here for a second...just so you know I get the reference...

Yay for benadryl!!

Yes, nothing slips past me. Your position as know-everything-man was just threatened. ooh!

Or, know-everything-person, I guess. :P

What kind of dance class do you take? You should join Brenda's class. It's awesome! Because I take dance from her, of course.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

gee, with all the time in the world you should be the update king! but noooo.... youre just one of the many slacking minions ..::glare::..

9:23 PM  
Blogger AJ Harbison said...

Dude! 5 days without a post? And over a Weekend??! Rae's right... you are a, um, slacking minion. (whatever the heck that means) Update or I'll use my L's on ya! ::pulls out L's menacingly and hides in the shadows::


9:33 PM  

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