Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Not much to say, but . . .

. . . lots of comments to respond to, so I decided to update.

After blogging yesterday, Mom discovered that we needed fabric for something she was making for the CVCA grads (I'm not sure if they're supposed to know about it or not . . . so if you are related to one of them, you didn't hear anything). So we went out to JoAnn's fabrics, which, of course, was like the coolest store ever. We went in, and wherever you look, as far as the eye could see, fabrics fabrics fabrics. So we browsed for a while, looking for royal blue fabric, and silver ribbon. We found it eventually, and, much to my disappointment, we left the store.

Then we came home and made the things. Which wasn't too bad, I got all the easy jobs because my parents don't trust me with really sharp objects :P So when that was over we decided to go out to dinner, which would be three meals out of three that Mom had eaten out that day, and two of three for me and Dad.

Mom said she wanted a slice or two of pizza and then a coldstone ice cream, and that sounded good to Dad and me, so we went to Uncle Howie's. A word of advice: never go to Uncle Howie's when you're really really hungry. They have big pizzas, and they have really good food, but they take FOREVER. We ordered one small, one-topping pizza, and it took them half an hour to give it to us. So then we ate it.

Then we went to coldstone, which, for those of you who don't know, is the best ice cream place in the whole wide world. They give very generous helpings, too, so you get good stuff that takes a while to go away. Of course, in terms of nutrition, they're awful, but hey, who cares. One every once in a while won't make too much of a difference . . . I hope. They're so good.

So then we came home, and just pretty much messed around until bed. Then I got up, and school happened once again. And ended early once again. Since then I've just been messing around some more, on the computer, playing video games, reading, etc. I was going to go to Hollywood and get Tales of Symphonia so Sarah would be happy, but Mom had to go to a CPR renewal class or something, so that didn't happen because I can't drive yet. So hopefully I'll get that tomorrow.

So that's basically today. I got the mail, no letter still. I didn't really expect one, but I'm starting to obsess over it, so I hope it comes soon. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, LifeHouse sends out letters to tell people who auditioned whether or not they're in the show. So I'm waiting for it, and I always start to go crazy after about a week, and it's been 8 days, so it's beginning. I hope it comes soon . . .

Anyway, that's basically it. So, on to comments:

Comments on "Another day in which I accomplished exactly nothing:"

Rae: Wow . . . freaky. . . . Yes, Jerk-and-a-half is fine, what I said really only applies to Sarah, you'll see why in my response to AJ's comment.

Speaking of which, AJ: Correct! *dingdingdingding* Uhh . . . a prize? Hmmm . . . how about big, happy, nothing. :D
Thanks for the compliment, but it was actually a trip to the game section of Target, so maybe it wasn't as good as you thought . . . And as for being hypocritical in reference to "jerk," that's somewhat of an inside joke, which hopefully Sarah got. I think she did based on her response, but yeah. She probably wouldn't mind me explaining, but I really don't feel like it.

Cormack: Yeah, it can take a while to get used to Yoshi. My friend did it once then decided that he liked Fox better. I use Marth almost exclusively when I'm playing people who give me a challenge, but I use Falco, Link and Samus a lot when I'm playing people who aren't as good as me or if I'm playing by myself. Sometimes I use Falco against good people, too, because he used to be my best character, but now I'm better with Marth, so I use him more often.
I think he said "Halo 2 is the bomb," but I'm not sure. That isn't a very Lucas thing to say, which is what makes me question it. Anyway, I've never actually played Halo 2, but I really didn't like the first one very much (unless I have a sniper rifle in a versus match, in which case it's so lopsided that it's fun). I'm trying to keep an open mind about Halo 2, but I don't really expect to be impressed whenever I finally play it.
And I have to ask, if he's only very close to being right, what is the best game ever?

Dr. C: Okay, cool. Good to know it's moving back.
I hate to ask you again, but if you could tell her that she should practice what she preaches, I'd appreciate it. If she has no idea what I mean, oh well.
Yeah . . . I'll try to remember. I meant to bring it to auditions, but I, being me, forgot.

Cormack again: Yep, loved them. Some of my favorite books, too. Especially Children of the Mind. Which was your favorite? (oh, and btw, if you could start nagging AJ to read them, I'd be obliged. I told him to read them multiple times, but he said they were pretty far down on his list. But I want his opinion, and I think he'd really like them, so yeah)

Comment to "One more thing:"

Rae: Whoops . . . *goes to fix it* Okay, it's fixed. Hopefully you people will read it now *glares at everyone and tries and fails to be intimidating*


Blogger Idhrendur said...

Arg. I need to find a copy of "Children of the Mind." I've read the rest.

Oh, and the best video game ever is either Final Fantasy VI or Chrono Trigger. Unless you dislike RPGs. In which case it's The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Yes, I'm old-school. I'm also old.

11:27 PM  
Blogger AJ Harbison said...

My vote goes for Link To The Past! Oh yeah!!


1:06 AM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

ya, coldstone is great... but more often then not, what i REALLY need is a 75cent neopoitian icecream sandwitch from some drug store... ..::gaaaaaw drooool::..

2:14 AM  

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