Saturday, May 28, 2005

I actually made it through a day without being here . . .

I was busy yesterday, my apologies to all of you who came here and were crushed when you saw there was nothing new. Although I did get two new comments. One of which I will answer, and then answer again in person most likely before AJ sees it here. So, a recap of yesterday:

Woke up, did school, same ol' same ol'. Then I went shopping for new clothes with mom (*immense sarcasm:* yippee! *end sarcasm*). And on the way home we stopped at Gamestop, and I bought Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for GBA, which was the primary reason I wasn't here yesterday, because I was playing that all afternoon. Then we got pizza for dinner, which was good. Then I got a call from Emily, and she confirmed that a group of people are going to a play tonight . . . and I'll give more details later. Basically, after I've seen the play, so probably tomorrow after church. So then me and Dad went to pick AJ up from CSUF/Hope, because his school is over (but not mine . . . *sob*) for the summer. So we borrowed a pickup from a friend at church, and we drove up. So then we got there and started loading it up, and AJ's friend Doug was there (since half of my comments come from AJ's friends, I supposed it wouldn't hurt to mention him). And Doug is a packing genius. He actually managed to fit everything in, which was amazing, and then he and Dad spent probably 15 minutes figuring out how to secure it with ropes and blankets, which was quite amusing to watch (I don't know anything about that stuff, which is why I wasn't helping). So then AJ went to bid farewell to his dorm forever, then he went to bid farewell to his friends Rae and Eleanor for the summer (or longer in Eleanor's case, I think she's going to France soon . . . right?). So they came back with him, along with another girl who's name I can't remember . . . it began with a "C" . . . who knows. Maybe someone could help me out. So anyway, they came over and said "hi" to me and Dad, then said "bye" to me, Dad, and AJ, and then away we went.

So we had a long drive home, and we talked about various things, and AJ told us about twenty times how exausted (sp?) he was. And he had to go up to the mountains to play in a worship band with his friend Jeff this weekend, and he left like two minutes after we got home and unloaded everything. So then Dad went to bed and I stayed up for a while and played my new video game. Then I, too went to bed, and thus endeth Friday, May 27th 2005.

Nothing exciting has really happened today, other than my return to the internet after such a terribly long absence of one day.

Now, to comments:

AJ: you've been putting off for far too long? In what way? Anyway, Beth was in my speech class, she's the teacher's daughter. Yeah, that's pretty much all I can say about her in keeping her privacy protected . . . well, I could say more, but I won't because I don't feel like it, and I'm afraid to say anything about her, because you saw how she reacted last time (btw, Beth, I'm kidding) . . . and no, you most likely won't meet her.

Rae: Well, hey. It's a novelty, what can I say? By the way, do you have any ideas how I could get pictures on here without stealing a PC?


Blogger Idhrendur said...

Hey, I found zee blog. I would've been here sooner, but I was not in the land of blog for all of finals week.

Oh, and when you came down with your Mom, I'm sorry I didn't really talk with you. I was rather burnt-our that day...

And I hope you enjoy the books.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

stealing a PC?? um... i would go with stealing a PC :)

kidding... i use an outside source to load the pics onto the web, then very slyfully use the html:______ if that didnt show up because it is an html here it is minus the < > img src=" insert htpp addy here"

so mentioning html i dont know what "a" is... so im going to try it out :D this is what a whatever is

doug is a packing genius and so am i... i get it from my father HAHAHAHAHHAAAAAA! (yes that was a joke, and i know you dont get it :P ask your bro)



and now for something from eleanor:

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am going to France."

9:13 PM  

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