Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Another day in which I accomplished exactly nothing . . .

. . . another perfect day. (Trivia question: what's that from?)

I don't really recall when I posted yesterday . . . hmmmm. Well nothing really happened yesterday anyway, I don't think . . .

Man, I'm so tired for some reason. I got plenty of sleep, I'm just . . . tired. It's weird.

Anyway, Kyle IMed me last night and asked me if I was going to his party . . . which I had completely forgotten about. And earlier in the day, Emily IMed me and asked me if I was going to her graduation, which I had also completely forgotten about. I felt so terrible. So I must remember to ask my parents about those things . . . I don't think they even know about Kyle's party, actually. They know about Emily's graduation, because Dad's speaking.

So then I went to bed. Then I got up and did school, which again didn't take too long (the end of the school year ROCKS!). Mom had gone out to breakfast with my aunt Bev (her sis-in-law), and she came home pretty much right when I finished. She then said she was going to Crackerjack Too (or Collective Journeys, as it's now called). I chose to go, because I needed stuff for my scrapbook page of Lion Witch.

After we went to CJ/CT, we went to Micheals because Mom didn't find what she was looking for, and I needed one other thing. We found neither of them there. We then proceeded to go around pretty much the whole town, looking all over the place. We actually never found either of them, but Mom told me I could probably find what I need on the WWW (which I'm sure I can), and Mom switched what she needed to something she could find.

There were two highlights to this day: lunch and one other thing. We ate at El Pollo Loco, where we haven't been in ages, and it was really really really good. So yeah. And then, while we were at Target (after I had given up searching for my thing), I was over in the video game section playing demos, and someone said "Mark Harbison, I should've known." So I turned around and there's Lucas. So we were talking for a while, and he was playing Metroid Prime 2 on the demo and doing really bad and just kind of walking around while all the enemies were shooting at him. It was pretty funny, he tried to put a bomb under one of them, and then the enemy moved, and he had to set like five bombs before it finally worked, and by then his health was pretty low. Then he traveled into the dark world, and didn't know that the atmosphere hurts you, so he was just walking along and then suddenly went "Whoa, I think I hurt myself somehow." It was amusing, and then he was fighting two enemies (called Ing) and he asked me "Any tips on how to fight Ing?" and while his face was turned away from the screen, the demo stopped. So I said "Yeah: don't let the demo end." Then he looked back and went "Oh, shoot!" Then he walked over to the XBox demo and looked for a Halo 2 video to convince me it was good. I was in the middle of a game of Star Fox Assault when he found it, and called me over. I went, and he said, "After you see this video, you'll see that Halo is the [something, I can't remember]." Then he played the video, and it was really exciting. The whole thing consited of the logo and the date it was coming out. It was quite pathetic. So then I turned to finish my game of Star Fox and pound the boss, and some kid had taken my place. He was playing it and complaining about how hard it was. I thought it was rather easy, but I suppose that him being really short it would be hard to see the screen, which would make dodging attacks pretty hard.

So the Lucas decided to play Mech Warrior 2 or something like that, and he was just randomly running around shooting missles, and the enviroment (sp?) suffered the consequences. Then he found a bunch of enemies, and started attacking them, and it was quite funny because we couldn't figure out which bar was his health until he died, and then we figured out it was the one that was empty. He was in the middle of his second game, trying to climb a random mountain (and failing) when his mother came and he left. But it was fun hanging out with him for a while, I haven't seen him since Lion Witch because he's a JERK and didn't come to How to succeed in business with us because he was "tired."

So then I was playing random demos until my mother came and I left. Then she went to one other place, and then we finally came home and discovered that we had left Jersey (our dog) outside when we left, so he was out for like 4 hours and was quite happy to come in again. And then I went around on the web for a little, and now here I am. I feel like something is supposed to happen tonight, but I don't think anything is. It's weird.

Just a random thought: I hope I get my Oliver letter soon. Emily said she auditioned for Guys and Dolls at Riverside Youth theater, and she said auditions were Monday, callbacks were Wednesday, and they called her Wednesday night and told her she was in. That made me mad. Lifehouse is apparently much slower than most theaters. Which kind of ticks me off, because they always cast it the night of auditions, so why can't they just send out the letter that night?! Well??

Now, to comments:

Cormack: Well, you're probably right. But I'd love to take you up on that challenge sometime, if the opportunity ever presents itself. And why do you have to be Yoshi?? He's one of the hardest characters to combat, in my opinion . . . unless the person who's using him has no idea what they're doing, and I'm sure you do. But that's okay because I'm a coward and counter all the time. Shoot . . . now you know my strategy. Oh, well.

"Dr. C:" That's really cool, it makes you sound like a spy or something . . . although of course I understand why you're doing it. Anyway, I wasn't at dance because a) Mom forgot all about it, so I had no ride and b) I forgot about it myself until it was already too late to call and ask someone for a ride. . . . So next week it's back at Dimyana and Tracy's, right? Just confirming.
Oh, and if you could kindly tell your daughter to stop calling me a jerk whenever I miss dance, I'd be much obliged. Tell her that she should be more creative in her insults, at least.


Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

Whoa trippy... I have an Aunt Bev too... and shes not my actual aunt @.@

Is Jerk-and-a-half ok? i think i might try it out next time i want to insult someone. maybe you ..::glare::..

7:43 PM  
Blogger AJ Harbison said...

Lol Rae!

As far as the trivia question: I know! I know! It's from an early Garfield strip. Do I get a prize?

I loved your detailed account of your trip to the game store. Very entertaining. Interesting, however, how you called Lucas a jerk and then admonished Sarah to be more creative in her insults... ya jerk... j/k :p


9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote:
So next week it's back at Dimyana and Tracy's, right?

My response:
I believe that's the case, but you'd better double-check with one of my kids.

You wrote:
Oh, and if you could kindly tell your daughter to stop calling me a jerk whenever I miss dance, I'd be much obliged. Tell her that she should be more creative in her insults, at least.

My response:
My daughter says, "Yes, you're right. I should have been more creative, but I didn't have time and [pause] I was writing through my mom, you loathsome pile of malodorous scud. (Hey, you wanted creative. . .)"

BTW, she doesn't, of course, really believe you are malodorous, so I don't think that the insult is accurate. I think she needs to refine her insult-making capacities to where she can use adjectives that are not blatantly inapplicable. The other portions of the insult are opinions, and, therefore, I can't render judgment on how applicable they may or may not be.

"Ok, ok! Yeesh! I came up with that one on the fly! If you give me some more time, I'm sure I could come up with a much better, wittier, more searing insult. So cut me some slack. . .yeesh."

And, as you can probably tell, she is intermittently displacing my hands on the keyboard. . . .
Dr. C

P.S. And she just informed me that dance is at Dimyana's next week.

P.P.S. The daughter also requests that you bring Speaker for the Dead to graduation tomorrow because she wants "to give it to Dink to read."

And this is WAY longer than I originally intended this to be!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

I liking the creative insults. It sounds like someone's exceeded even my vocabulary (and I'm used to having a superior one).

As for SSMB, I like Samus. Of course, I'm not really that good either. But Samus is fun for sowing chaos in a big battle...mwahahaha!!

11:22 PM  

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