Wednesday, May 25, 2005

::sigh:: Busy Day . . .

Yes, AJ, I used :: signify action, because this is stupid and doesn't use * correctly when I wanted it to.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ACTUALLY GOT A COMMENT!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!

Oh, by the way, for all of those of you who aren't blogger members, you can still post comments, because I used my cool settings bar to make it so. So you can post stuff here even if you aren't a member. So, basically, post stuff here. Or I will hunt you down. But no pressure.

So anyway, today has been and is still and will continue to be the busiest day I've had in a while. First, I had to get up. Isn't that just awful?? AND I had to exercise. And THEN I had school. A good amount of it. And as if that wasn't enough, I had a speech class this afternoon. I always have them on Wednesdays. But this is the last one, so yeah. And because it was the last one, it was especially long. Rather than 1-3 (two hours), it was 12:30-3:30 (3 hours). And it was basically just sitting and listening to other people talk and then getting your fifteen minutes of fame and then listening to people talk again and then getting your remaining two or three minutes of fame, and then sitting there listening to people talk again. For three hours. And I'd heard all the speeches before, so it wasn't even that interesting. I mean, they're good speeches, but when you've heard them many many times they lose some of their charm. So yeah. 3 hours of that, and I was also the timekeeper (we were rehearsing for — well, more on that later), so I had to be on my toes to stop and start the watch whenever things happened . . . and the Perry's blasted dog is running and jumping and wanting his ball or bone thrown so he can fetch. All in all, it gets boring after a while.

I like speech class and all, I'm just saying that it was loooooooong today.

Okay, so now speech class is over. And so, you would think, is my busy day. But no. Today is the last day of speech class. So we have our big final thing tonight, where all the parents come to hear some of our better speeches. And it's called (get this) "Family Fun Night," in that it's fun for our families, but not for us. We all give 2 speeches (unless you're Beth or Matt, who are CHEATING!!! and only doing one), which are our best speeches (or Mrs. Perry's favorite) and we talk and our families listen and silently make fun of us and make us feel even worse about being there than we already did. Basically, it's a time of torture. So I still have that to do.

And not only is it torture in that way, but we have to dress up. In long pants, long sleeves, and ties (for the guys). In THIS weather. It's like 90 degees . . . . GAAAAAA!!!!!! And not only that, but I still have to practice my speeches several times . . . . please excuse me while I freak out.

[there used to be nonsense here, it was edited out to fix my sidebar]

Thank you. Anyway, after Family "Fun" Night, I come back and collapse, and watch the Alias season finale, in which we will probably see someone else die, as usual *sigh*

So anyway, it's time to have my first section of comment responses, since I actually got a comment yesterday.

AJ: Thank you for coming! I appreciate it . . . I told several other people to come on pain of being hunted down, but they haven't posted comments . . . Speaking of which, I did enable that anonymous comment thing. Actually, I enabled it before I even got your comment so Seth and Rachel can comment, not that they did anyway >:-O
In response to your saying I'm a good writer, thank you. I've been told I should be a writer . . . I've been told I'm a good poet, too. Remember that poem I wrote for Megan? Yeah. Ken read that and told me I was a good poet. So yeah. Thanks.
Yes. Yoda rocks the world.
Thanks again for commenting!
In response to the PS: Yeah . . . I picked this one because of the name, I didn't know that was the Train Station's until afterwards. But I like the top of it, I think the quote works quite well where it is, that's like my favorite part of the blog. And you're welcome. I would've linked to your blog, too, but you don't have one so that's kind of impossible.

So, in closing, comment or be hunted . . . *makes distorted creepy maniacish killer face*

edited: I shortened the gibberish rant because it was messing up the blog, and then I eliminated it for the same reason.


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