Monday, May 23, 2005

Episode III

Hey, remember how I told you I'd bring my description of my adventure going to Episode III? Well, I did, and here it is. It was written on Friday, May 20th at sometime PM. That's why it says that it's Friday night, when in actuality it's Monday night right now. So here it is, the great "Exploits of Darthy involving the origin of Vader:"

It's Friday night, my favorite time to be online! Yay! Well, for those of you who don't know, and for those of you who are poor pathetic souls, I went to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith yesterday morning with Sarah, David, John and their mom (if you don't know who they are, ask me) and Beth (I'm sure you don't know who she is, ask me if you want to know). And, of course, it was awesome. I mean, who knew that Hayden could act?? And it actually had a story to go with those awesome special effects . . . and of course nothing beats watching Yoda slam two Imperial Guards into the wall by barely moving his hands. Oh yeah. I only have one real discrepincy (look it up, Preston — although I'm not sure if it's spelled right) with it: Padme . . . well, I won't ruin it. But something happens with her that doesn't make sense with the original three films . . . but other than that minor detail the movie was awesome.

That's pretty much the only exciting thing that happened to me over the last few days . . . but hey. Life goes on, even if excitement doesn't.

Oh, yeah, I guess I should tell you about the waiting in line. We got there at 7:15 (yes, AM, we went to the second showing at 9:30 AM). Which means that I got up before 6, something never seen before and most likely that will never be seen again. So anyway we got there and Mrs. Christison dropped me and Sarah off to get in the line, and they went and parked and came back and found us. So then everyone started reading, and I leaned up against the wall and thought deeply about how tired I was and how I wanted to sleep. So after like a half an hour Sarah looks up at me and says "Do you like have something against sitting down?" So I told her I liked being above everyone. So she shrugged and went back to her book. Well, actually my book, I lent it to her months ago . . . but that's another story. Anyway, like another half an hour later, she, David, and Beth decided to play poker and invited me to play, so I said "sure why not" and we did, and I sat down to play and she commented that they got me to sit down. And I said yeah, looked around me, and Sarah said "Well, actually, you're still above everyone . . . " which was true, because as we all know Christisons are short by nature, and Beth isn't quite as tall as me. So that was cool.

So after playing poker for a while (in which David cheated every single hand and still managed to lose), we decided to play Rock Paper Scissors Lifehouse style (for those of you who aren't lifehousers, ask me what it means, I don't feel like explaining right now). So David wasn't allowed to play because he's not allowed to bleed or something like that (don't get too freaked out, trust me). And Beth didn't want to, but Sarah talked her into it so we started playing and it took about ten minutes after the first round for Beth to put out her arm . . . but then Sarah missed and all was well because Beth didn't know she'd missed, so she thought all of them were that soft . . . heeheehee, that was fun. So anyway, Sarah hits harder than one would expect, so I have an arm that looks like it was pierced with needles . . . but it'll be better in a few days. And she doesn't hurt as much as Melody (thank goodness . . . never EVER play Melody, especially if she's holding licorice . . . *shudder*). So then David gave me a really disturbing story to read called "Harrison Bergeron" which was about crazy stuff and made me happy I don't live in the future. And then they finally opened the gates and let the teeming throngs in.

Final score: Lightsabers 4, Costumes 0

And of course there were previews . . . there was this one movie called "Stealth" which looked pretty cool, it's about this robot that goes wild . . . and then "The Fantastik 4" which also looked good . . . and then (the highlight of the previews) Lion witch. That looks awesome, I already can't wait to see it . . . Aslan actually looks like a lion! Not like a guy in a fur costume like at lifehouse! I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, I now want to see Episode III again. So if you're going, invite me. If you don't, I will hunt you down . . . or set some troops on you and order them to activate "code 66."

So there you have it.

Edited: I'm editing out the last names of everyone to protect the privacy of my friends (at their request)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zach Simons and I laughed at the acting the whole way through.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL LOL LOL ahahahha that's funny! And I did to know that she was hitting easy...she told me..and i kinda figured it out after ur arm was red and black and blue...and mine was get this...WHITE lol still...LOl funny! ok well just wanted to comment bc u wanted comments(i read many and i had to make that clear to everyone who doesn't know who i am.....cough.....that im not as blonde as i just an EXCELLENT actress!!! lol ok im done know...ttul bye!

5:34 PM  

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