Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Aim for the Skies!! (just a stupid title)

Hey hey hey, I'm back, and have another great post for you all to read. I didn't actually expect to post again until tomorrow, but something happened so I will.

Tuesday pretty much passed like your average summer-break day, at least for me. Lots of ToS (even some getting stuck in ToS and emailing Sarah for help), some computer, some reading, and so on. But then, just as I was being online and getting kind of bored because Sarah hadn't emailed me back, I received a phone call. A phone call that changed my night forever. Or at least until 11:30 or so. As is sometimes my procedure, I shall relate the phone call in script form (David, correct me if anything is drastically wrong, but keep in mind that I'm paraphrasing).

MARK is sitting at the computer, with a somewhat bored look on his face. He's checking out some websites and listening to his new Caedmon's Call CD. The clock shows 8:35.
The PHONE rings off-camera. DAD picks it up.

DAD: (still off-screen) Hello? Oh, hi . . . yeah, he his, hold on a second.
Mark's face has not changed at all, although his hands have been moving as he travels from screen to screen. Dad appears at door with the phone in his right hand.
DAD: (holding out phone to Mark) David C.
Mark looks somewhat perplexed, shrugs, and takes phone.
MARK: (into phone) Hello?
DAVID: (on other side of phone) Hi, Mark? I was calling to see if you wanted to go see a movie tonight . . . you know, to kill time, spend money, support our good friends in Hollywood.
MARK: (laughing) Yeah, goodness knows they need it. . . . Well what would the movie be?
DAVID: Well, I was thinking along the more intellectually refined lines of Sky High, but if you wanted to see War of the Worlds, or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or March of the Penguins . . .
MARK: (laughing again) Yeah well you know, I've just been DYING to see March of the Penguins.
DAVID: I think Sky High is the shortest, if we wanted to get home at a Godly hour . . . or at least some minor-deity hour.
MARK: (laughing yet again) Yeah, well I'd love to, hold on, let me ask my mom.
Mark cups his hand over the phone and walks out of the room. He has a brief conversation with MOM, but then gets tired of writing the script.

So basically, Mom said that yes, I could go, so I did. We did indeed end up seeing Sky High, which I shall review in a moment.

But first, the previews. The only ones I remember were Lion Witch and Oliver Twist. And the only reason I remember these is because I'm starting to see a pattern here. I was in Lion Witch, they're making a movie. I was in Pollyanna, there's already two movies. I'm in Oliver, they're making a movie. Pretty soon we'll be seeing “The Hiding Place” and “Tom Sawyer.” Although I'm not sure I'll be doing Hiding Place. I'll have to ask around and see who else I can get to do it with me.

Anyway, on to the review, which I will attempt to make a bit more organized this time:

Basic Story: The movie takes place in a world where super-heroes fight villains on a regular basis. The world's two greatest heroes, The Commander and Jetstream, got married and had a kid, Will. The two heroes are real-estate agents as a cover. Anyway, for high school, all super-hero kids go to Sky High, where they learn to use their powers for the greater good. Since Will's parents are the greatest super-heroes in the world, everyone expects him to be amazing. There's just one problem: Will doesn't have any powers.

Basically, the story is how he gets his powers and then the terror that strikes the school and how he takes care of it. Pretty clichéd story.

I was expecting this to be the story, and I was expecting the movie to be a cheesy super-hero movie, with the new twist that it happens at a high school. So I was expecting a mediocre movie.

I was wrong. As far as it went as a super-hero movie, it was pretty much what I expected. But the nice thing was that it didn't try to be a super-hero movie. It was a flat-out comedy set in a super-hero story. And it was hilarious. It was one of the funniest movies I've seen in quite a while.

For example, (although this might not be too funny in writing) when they get to the school, they have to be sorted into “Hero” or “Hero Support” (aka sidekicks). So the first thing they do is they get up on a podium and show “Coach Boomer” their power. So he has certain things to help along. The first kid he calls up is named Larry, and he's the stereotypical geek: afro, geeky thick glasses, short, dazed look perpetually on his face. So everyone's expecting him to be a sidekick, And he gets up there and becomes the Thing. The Coach, however, is unimpressed. So he decides to test Larry. He says “Car” and a car just randomly falls out of the sky onto Larry (who catches it). Some of the powers are really stupid, too. Like there's this one girl who can turn into a guinea pig. And this one guy who melts into a puddle. He doesn't turn into water, he just melts. And then this other kid who glows green, but only when he's terrified.

Some of the powers, on the other hand, are really cool. My favorite character, for example, can light himself on fire like Johnny in Fantastic 4. And my OTHER favorite character has what I think is the coolest power in the movie: she has power over plants. She can make them do pretty much anything she wants (except produce lemons). It's awesome.

Anyway, the acting was also pretty good, although the main kid kinda bugged me. But I guess he was okay. I was also kind of bummed because the main character has a really boring, over-used, and over-rated power: super strength. I mean, I guess it's okay, but it's really not that great. Think about it. What if you're a super hero, and you have super strength as your power. Then one day you have to fight this giant fire monster. What good is your strength going to do you? If you sock him, you'll just burn yourself. Although I suppose in that situation the plant power wouldn't be too great, either . . . how WOULD you fight that guy? I guess if you had like water or Ice power . . . or laser vision or something maybe.

Anyway, yeah. It was really funny, it had some great one-liners . . . like in one scene, a bunch of the main characters are taking a quiz at home (and they're sidekicks), and one of the questions is: “Your archnemisis is flying south at 30 MPH, and your hero is flying north at 60 MPH. Assuming your hero has x-ray vision, how long will it take your hero to realize he's going the wrong way?”

Also, the special effects were good. Realistic looking electricity, fire, blah blah blah. Nice throwing a kid through the window. Anyway, it had good acting, good special effects, and an okay story. Plus a very high entertainment value.

So critically speaking, I'd give it a mild thumbs up. However, I'm not speaking critically, I'm speaking as some one who has seen it and is reviewing it for fun. So I give it a big thumbs up and recommend it to anyone who is in a lighthearted mood and/or a depressed mood and wants to laugh.

So after that David took me home and I messed around for a while then went to bed. Today was a pretty regular day, lots of ToS and general time wasting. I also wrote a poem, which I plan to put on my xanga later. So if you have time, check it out. Don't worry, it's a lot shorter than this post ; ) And this is one of my shorter posts, anyway.

Tomorrow I have something else happening, so I'll probably update again tomorrow night, or if not some time on Friday. I was invited to a fencing class tomorrow, so that should be fun. In any case, on to comments:

Rae: lol . . . I see. So you weren't actually trying to get me to respond or anything. Well, I'm happy I could cause you the fun feeling of being back in middle school :P

David, Timorous, David, David: Oh, didn't know that about SNAFU, sorry. Although I doubt the “N” stands for “noraml” :P Uhh . . . about the Sasha thing . . . I have no idea what you mean. Care to explain? And yes, I have labeled that moment as one of the wonders of the modern world. I only I'd had a camera . . .

Eleanor: Who were the others you woke up?

Rachael: Well I'm sorry, but I can't write about every little conversation I have, or these posts would be even longer, and I would suck up your whole lives. Which I don't plan to do until the rest of my plan of world domination is in motion. And cut me a little slack, will ya?? Not everyone cares as much about proper English and stuff as you . . . and even the best of us make mistakes . . . and by the way, I have about as much desire to read The Secret Garden as I do to read the Anne books. I've read A Christmas Carol, too, if that makes you feel any better. And Tom Sawyer. And The Wizard of Oz. Oh, and thanks for complimenting my performance . . . although it comes about 6 months too late . . .

Cormack-Rae-Cormack: Would it help, Cormack, if I gave you kind of a reading plan? Like if at one point in the post I would say “End Cormack's reading for Day 1, begin reading for day 2.” Would that be sufficient?

(Final Count: Pages: 4, Words: 1741)


Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

HAHA!! i most definatly think you should do that for ol cormack.. heh.

so like, are we your good friends in hollywood? cause we are in hollywood ya know... although, i dont know a david c. :\

hmm... with super strength you could pick up an iceburg and throw it at him, unfortunatly im sure most major terrorized citys have an unsufficent supply of iceburgs :P

lame plug: SINCE EVERYONE READS MARKS BLOG- RAE HAS UPDATED.... GO THERE NEXT! COMMENT DARN YOU! so far my only known audience consists of cormack and mark...

p.s. i can misspell more words than you :D

2:23 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

definitely, icebergs, unfortunately, cities, insufficient...
..::sigh::.. im ocd enough to need to correct myself :P

2:29 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Rae, that remind sme of a plan I heard long ago to solve So Cal's water problems. Get a really big ship to haul an iceberg up to California. Use that water.

Of course, you have to somehow deal with all the momentum the iceberg would pick up from moving it. The idea was to ram it into some of California's coastal mountains.

Somehow, I think San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach, Morrow Bay, Cayucas, Cambria, and a few dozen more would object...

4:33 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

it would be salt water though, and thats no good. we have lots of salt water already.

Look that way -->
(assuming that you are faced in a direction that would point you to the ocean)

7:48 PM  
Blogger Narisilme said...

We apparently kept AJ up and woke Stephen up. But they're big boys. They can handle it. I mean, what did they expect? They've been around us all year.

Hey, would you like a letter from France? It could be part of your curriculum. You know, hands on learning--some sort of application to brighten your mundane existence.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

Icebergs are fresh water. But it's not really a practical solution. Let's just, buy water from Northern California and Arizona.

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, what about that HUGE bag of candy I gave you after "lion, Witch"? I bet you forgot about it because you ate it all up when there was nobdy in the infini--WHERE'S THE DICTIONARY? SOMEONE TOOK THE DICTIONARY!!!! NOW I WON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL THAT WORD!!--oh, there it is. My dratted dad (or mom, but all she ever does on the computer is pay bills, and that doesn't require a dictionary, only a math book) moved it to the other side of the desk. Anyway, you ate all the candy when there was nobody in the infinitely small, smelly, guys' dressing room. Did you ever see "the Incredibles"? It's a really good movie. The end is kind of dumb though. Secret Garden is also a really good book. I have a question for you : if you don't want to read the books of some of the shows you're in, why audition for the shows? And didn't you like the shows? What if the books are EVEN BETTER, with no Wa--LIFEHOUSE-Y music? What world domination plan is this? You know, there MIGHT be other people in the world who have been introduced by their speech teachers as "___________ (let's just say RACHAEL) knows all". then there'd be a contest for complete control for the world. Is that the form this is taking? Or will you just turn into an evil, insane, Communist dictator? Talk to ya later, Mad Dog Branzillo.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

well, while im at it i think ill just leave a redicimus amount of comments on your blog. (maybe to make up for the lack-there-of on mine... sigh)

why is it i never know what cilla anne is talking about? its like... i can understand what the words mean... but when they are all put together i dont get it :\ this is very distressing to me.

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have you know, RachAel, that those thoughts were NOT of an overly pessimistic nature. In fact, they were of a positively OPTIMISTIC and ROSE-COLORED ilk! I found, RachAel, the silver lining encircling the cloud of directional confusion and general tardiness that Mark and myself discovered ourselves in two Mondays ago. So, hmmmph!

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rae, the reason you don't understand is because it reveals geniusness of my mind. It is a very strange form of geniusness though so BEWARE! I don't mean to make you distressted. And David, you didn't need to put your name later because I knew when you put me as RachAel that it was you. And Rae, no offense, but 95% of the time (basically when you aren't talking about me or something Mark wrote about) I don't know what you're talking about. Mark, I'm going to ignore you because YOU are ignoring US, your faithful blog-readers!

6:03 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

alright! thats it! every one at ... i can do with some good commenting! mwahaha

11:54 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

well that html was a disaster...

11:55 PM  

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